: other : cfr : boxing caches |
You probably know that there is a predefined cache of boxed integers, such that Integer.valueOf(1) will always return the same pointer.
The java language spec (jls-5.1.7) describes this here.
The salient line is: If the value p being boxed is true, false, a byte, or a char in the range \u0000 to \u007f, or an int or short number between -128 and 127 (inclusive), then let r1 and r2 be the results of any two boxing conversions of p. It is always the case that r1 == r2.
Some discussion about the original design can be found at Joseph Darcy's blog entry on IntegerCache.
As I described here, autoboxing uses valueOf. This means that
Integer i = 3; Integer j = new Integer(3);
is actually compiled to
Integer i = Integer.valueOf(3); Integer j = new Integer(3);
i.e the latter WON'T use the integer cache...
This is described in detail in the blog entry linked above, and of course the source is publically available, but it's a good test of CFR, so here's Integer.valueOf()
public static Integer valueOf(int v0){ if (!((Integer.$assertionsDisabled) || (Integer$IntegerCache.high >= 127))) { throw new AssertionError(); } if ((v0 >= -128) && (v0 <= Integer$IntegerCache.high)) { return Integer$IntegerCache.cache[(v0 + 128)]; } return new Integer(v0); }
Ok, so what about Integer.IntegerCache?
class Integer$IntegerCache { static final int low = -128; static final int high; static final Integer[] cache; static void <clinit>(){ int v0 = 127; String v1 = VM.getSavedProperty("java.lang.Integer.IntegerCache.high"); if (v1 != null) { int v2 = Integer.parseInt(v1); v2 = Math.max(v2, 127); v0 = Math.min(v2, 2147483519); // LEE - Integer.MAX_VALUE - 128! } Integer$IntegerCache.high = v0; Integer$IntegerCache.cache = new Integer[(Integer$IntegerCache.high - -128 + 1)]; int v2 = -128; for (int v3 = 0;v3 < Integer$IntegerCache.cache.length; ++v3) { Integer$IntegerCache.cache[v3] = new Integer(v2++); } }
... that's interesting, I didn't know that one! .... we can extend the range of the integer cache!
Last updated 03/2013 |