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This is a collection of random things I've thrown up onto the internet over many years - I generally don't tend to delete links as the cost of leaving this stuff around is 0, which means some may be ancient, stale, or just daft now. It's been a long time..... List is chronologically sorted ;)
Dissertation - An Occam to Java (two targets - Source + Bytecode) compiler.
The funny thing about simple compilers is that it can be a bit of a learning cliff -
Appel is a good starting point; This is really up as I found reading other people's dissertations useful to read when I was doing it (and is horrifically embarrasing to read now, yay.)
Ever (the shame) have to boot windows, and decide to leave the firewall off for some reason? (Starcraft anyone? :)... How about combining this with this? Note: Don't. I'm joking. Really.
VB6 (really!) knows what a pointer is! (I stick this up, as I couldn't find any mention of it anywhere else indexed by google...)
Rich Sharp plays (or is that abuses?) the Octotunes. (290kb avi)
Scan NDAS devices on your network (Lee's got an N35, and he likes to play with it)
Modify the registry settings which control windows' scan codes (change which key does what)
Windows HTML Help doesn't really need you to install Html Help Workshop..
Wumpbin, a graphical dumpbin clone which I wrote because I didn't have dumpbin handy. And then spent ages getting right when I did have dumpbin handy. Doh. Fun, anyway!
The annual hardware urge seems to have resulted in a spectrum monster!
I finally got bored of having path variables overflow. Here's something to shrink them.
OleWoo, an OleView replacement, which provides the functionality of OleView, but allows multiple libraries to be open, decent searching, textual dumping, and other fine things.
AltStreamOverlay, which is a windows shell extension plugin which shows NTFS alternate stream information.
CFR - I've been messing around with doing a java decompiler since moving to a java job. I know there are plenty of good ones out there, but it's fun to write one!
Last updated 2014